
wtorek, 31 lipca 2018

Ceramiczne obręcze szosowe - Boyd Altamont

Większość z nas myśli, że wybór szosowych obręczy pod hamulec obręczowy ogranicza się jedynie do aluminium i karbonu. To nie do końca prawda. Jest na rynku klika firm oferujących coś więcej. Co dokładnie? Zapraszam do dzisiejszego wpisu o obręczach ceramicznych.

niedziela, 22 lipca 2018

Duke racing wheels with Chris King hubs

Like every wheel builder I'm always very happy when getting a work order for premium wheels. Building high-end sets shows that people trust your skills and that comes only with time and hard work. But, is there anything else which gives even more satisfaction? Yes, it is the customer, pleasant with previous work and ordering a second set.

piątek, 20 lipca 2018

Roadtripping to Colle del Nivolet

July-August is my favorite time in Swiss Alps as big passes are open, inviting us, the cyclist to explore them.
Since Switzerland is very close to Italy and France, this time we decided to ride on the top of Colle del Nivolet in Italy. 

Kudos to Kath for taking this amazing shot!

czwartek, 19 lipca 2018

Graphene carbon wheels

One of the interesting thing I spotted during my Eurobike visit was the innovation in carbon rims world - rims with graphene.
This week I had a opportunity to make a nice set for Tomasz, who was looking for every day carbon set, suitable for training and triathlons competitions.

środa, 11 lipca 2018

Eurobike 2018 - the biggest cycling commercial event I've ever seen so far

Yes, I also went to see the Eurobike 2018 show, like thousands of other people. The event itself is huge. Last year there were 1.400 exhibitors and ~65.000 visitors so if you've never been there you can try to imagine the scale of it. 

piątek, 6 lipca 2018

Cyclotour 2018

As a cyclist living in Switzerland it's pretty difficult to avoid public events. Although they're all non pro races they still provide lot of fun and pleasure.
Cyclotour is one of them, not very demanding but a good check-point of one's fitness before bigger events during the season.

So what is Cyclotour? Well, it's a ride around lake Geneva (Lac Léman) of 180km distance and few hundreds meters climb (read - flat). 
It's an open tour for everybody which means different levels of fitness and different levels of experience in group riding...more about that later...