
poniedziałek, 19 marca 2018

Dedicated hoops for Krzysztof - the Iron Man :)

In every project I'm documenting here I'm trying to show & tell you, dear reader a bit of unique story about the wheels I build. Every set is different as they are all hand made with special care. Time to finish the build is not a priority here, it's about perfection to the smallest details. That is the beauty of hand wheel building craft.

This story shows how you can get a very unique and personalized wheels, your wheels.

piątek, 16 marca 2018

Wheels for Roman

Classy, well made, stiff and light carbon clinchers for Roman

poniedziałek, 12 marca 2018

Mix and match!

Who said that the wheels must be equal? My recent build for Michal shows that different rims depth on front and rear can look good as well.

piątek, 9 marca 2018

Carbon hoops for Rick

You can hate carbon clinchers for poor braking in rainy days but you can't deny that they are simply sexy and give your bike a new, better look!