
niedziela, 23 lipca 2017

Le col du Grand-Saint-Bernard

Today's lesson learnt is: never underestimate Alps ;-)

Warmed up by yesterday's Brevet and having already bike packed in the car I decided to continue discovering of unknown passes yet.

After quick packing consisting of two bottles of water and one banana and followed by small breakfast I was ready for new adventure.

I always wanted to cycle up to St. Bernard's col as I was crossing this pass several times by car going to Italy. By car it seems to be very small mountain so I thought it will be perfect loop for bit tired legs.

I don't remember when last time I was so wrong...

The Saint Bernard is a beautiful pass connecting Switzerland and Italy however it's not so flat as I thought. It's about 25km of climbing to reach to finally reach 2473m altitude. 

Adding very strong face wind was just enough to slow me down completely. At some point I thought I won't make it. 

Slowly but surely feeding my mind with astonishing views I reached the highest point of the pass. 

Quick bite in Italy and I was ready to descend 25km down. This was brilliant, almost no pedaling and just laying on the bike and enjoying the speed on hairpins surrounded by rocks. 

Enjoy the views!


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